What can I say about bsappsfx course. If you are wanting to truly understand how to make money from the fx market then this course is for you. The way Ben breaks down charts allowing you to truly understand why price behaves in the manner it does is so clear and precise. For me personally it was really a lightbulb moment throughout the course to which I have already 5x my initial investment of purchasing the course. A fantastic feature is the telegram service not only for Ben to post his analysis but also the addition of a members telegram where ideas on currency pairs can be shared. Also the members telegram allows like minded individuals to engage with each other which also helps to build confidence on Ben teachings and also develop a family atmosphere where everyone is helping each other to succeed. Ben is always on hand to offer any help and engage with members allowing for a more personal experience. I can’t say enough for how good the course is along with Ben and his attention to detail making sure everyone is looked after. Nothing like this in the marketplace

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